Funny video clips, funny pictures and other fun stuff

Towboat Hits The Bridge

A towboat is approaching the bridge with barges full with coal
Towboat He is approaching a bridge
Towboat But the bridge didn't open. Notice that they unhooked the barges
Towboat The towboat is trying to go in reverse but the river current is too strong
Towboat The boat was turned sideways by the current
Towboat The current is so strong that it's pushing the towboat under the bridge
Towboat The boat is now completly under the bridge and almost completly under water
Towboat The botat gets under the bridge...
Towboat ... and starts coming out from under the water
Towboat As the water pours of the boat the boat starts leveling
Towboat Part of the towboat is still under water but the boat is still floating
Towboat The smoke you see are the engines starting
Towboat Amazingly, the towboat is sailing as nothing happened


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